go back
- More styling for most pages
- Do about me drawing of personas for abtme page
- Add more lists of interests and such
- Make shrine pages of things I love with my entire heart and soul (postal, music artists, idk what else off the top of my head)
- *Continuation of shrines* Break-off pages for topics I really like and want to go into more detail about (homestuck, off, little side page talking abt me and *dad :] *postal dude)
- Writings (phenomena of rejection [rewrite this its lowkey kind of ass],computer writings, headcanons? [or should that go in art/off page...])
- Art page
- pics of me page/pics i like page
- list of references i use, sites, artists i like etc
- OCs page (inky, asher, dj, batter, lukas)
- make site map thingy (literal drawing of a map, make words be links and have breakoffs that divert into the pages and such)
- this fucking to do list make it look better jfc
i did this on a school bus on a 5 hour drive to a winter percussion comp while holding a horrible shit to distract myself so pls forgive me 4 it being rly ugly 03-22-25