hallo !!!! my name is ash or pablo , short for ashley l. n pablito sexobar !! im but a mere 16yr old boy in hs in california !! i ' m versandrogyne ( nonbinary umbrella ) and bisexual n mah pronouns are he / him ( always ) and she / her ( switch between her & she occasionally ) . i have autism , alexithymia , depression & anxiety but am currently on meds ( SSRIs ) !! while i myself don ' t exactly feel the same about my gender every day ( some days i feel more masc , others more fem ) , i usually refer to myself as a male online , female in person ( homophobia is common in minority communities ) , and my personas , pablo & ash , are masc and fem presenting respectively . ( my persona has been updated but i havent been able to digitally draw them both , keep in mind that these are no longer accurate to the current me / them / us and are simply placeholders until i am able to make new ones !! )

hyperfixations !!
- Homestuck
- Coding
- Music Theory

hobbies !!
- Digital/Traditional Art
- Coding
- Vibraphone
- Acoustic Guitar
- Cello
- Sewing

interests !!
- Performing Arts
- Anatomy, Psychology, Geneology, Genetics, Physiology
- (Bio)Linguistics
- Philosophy & Ethics

mah favrit characterz !!!
Postal Dude
Your favorite ginger, sunglasses-wearing, psychotic 40-year old man. Although there is multiple Postal Dudes, I am talking specifically about 2 Dude. Absolutely love this guy. Although original Postal 1 is my favorite of all the [POSTAL] games, 2 is obviously my second favorite. Doesn't mean 2 Dude isn't my first favorite though. He's also my dad!

Nepeta Leijon
:33 < the purrettiest olive-blooded troll youll ever see. leo, rogue of heart. obsessed with shipping other trolls and purrself in multipawle diffurrent romantic/platonic relationships, depending on their compatability. lives in a cave with her lusus, pounce de leon. moirails with equius zahhak and has an unrequited flush crush on karkitty vantas.

Equius Zahhak
D --> STRONG Indigo-b100ded troll Sagittarius, Heir of Void Loves hoofbeasts from the very bottom of his 100di%ly STRONG cardio-va%ular system, constantly drinks milk fresh from his 100sus Arthuor, frequently perspires heavily & requires fresh towels Often builds robot trolls to battle, train, and hone his freakish amount of STRENGTH, which runs in his b100dcaste Moirails with Nepeta Leijon Has unrequited flush crush on Aradia Medigo

Horuss Zahhak
8=D < Indigo-blooded troll, & Equius' dancestor! Sagittarius, Page of Void. In a matespritship with Rufioh Nitram and moirallegience with Meulin Leijon (both of which are far from perfect). Believes he is a hoofbeast and has multiple 'spirits' living within him. Steampunk engineer, patron of the fine arts.