Books I'm currently reading

  • The Plague by Albert Camus, translated into english from french. Reading it for a book report in my english class. we do one every month, i chose this book 5 minutes before she asked us what we picked, i just looked through my city library's site going through genres i liked until i saw one that looked cool, and it was this one. its really eh so far, although granted im not more than 100 pages in. i read its an allegory for the spread of fascism, which i thouight was really cool, so i lied and said i already had it checked out since we need the books *on* our desks, but she let it slide for me last time so i just did it again this time and it worked, again. im sure its a good book, i just havent gotten into it yet. the writing just feels too slow and, unimaginative? I feel as though that isnt the right word, but i am at a lack of any at the moment, so.
  • List of books I've been meaning to read

  • ive always wanted to read lolita by vladimir nobokov. love the concept of having your narrator be unreliable and telling the story from his genuine perspective that he is in the right when any normal person, had they the chance to read from an outsiders view, could immediately see how wrong it it is. people are too used to having a trustworthy narrator, to the point that there are people out there who genuinely believe that lolita is a love story and defend the narrator of the story.
  • Cows by Matthew Stokoe. I don't actually want to read this at all, but I saw a video deep dive into it and it seems fucking disgusting. the youtuber had a few details he left out due to it being just... horrid, or he uber-summarized some parts, and i want to read the entire thing to see what brings a person to write such crazy ass shit. the main character's "girlfriend" is convinced that theres black toxins inside of every persons organs that poison them, and shes dead set on finding it, to the point that she gets him to shove one of those camera tube things up her fuckin ass. who the fuck thinks of that? what fucking brings someone to write that??? (I was going to link to the video, but it turns out matthew stokoe himself fucking copyright striked it, and the creator cant do shit because hes small. fuck youtube "copyright" rules. here's his video talking about it.)
  • "Tortuga", Anaya, Rudolfo
  • "Einstein's Unfinished Symphony: Listening to the Sounds of Space-Time", Bartusiak, Marcia
  • Books I've Began But Never Finished (I intend to)

  • Farenheit 451. Didn't get to finish it due to school and then ending up a week or two overdue, and I dont like the thought of me holding someone back from checking the book out if it is past due. I really liked the girl, Clarise, never found out what happened to her. Also liked the scary killer robot firehouse dogs, and Guy's (possibly irrational) fear of it. His secret collection of books also was a bit of a shock to me, before clarise, he genuinely thought he loved all aspects of his job, then after he feels changed by her, we suddenly find out that hes subconsciously holding onto these books illegally, and the chief knows. also, clarise and i kind of have the same (first) name.
  • Never finished Dracula. Meant to, but then I switched schools, and I had the book checked out through the school library. One day, Dracula, one day.
  • Books I've Read & Enjoyed Heavily

  • Frankenstein is one of my favorite books ever. Made me realize I loved gothic horror and historical fiction. Wasn't, y'know, *historical* fiction at the time it was written, but it is now, and I like it, so...
  • Gone With The Wind. Another book that made me like historical fiction, which I never expected from myself because I absolutely hate history as a school subject (though I honestly do like a lot of historical aspects and researching past subjects relating to any topic i'm interested in during my own free time. school just makes history fucking boring). My eighth grade english teacher told me personally to read it, since i was bored and asking for good, classic book recommendations, n she said that she thought it was a good read and I'd end up liking it, and she ended up right. Thanks Mrs. Ross u my goat hope u have a good retirement since this is ur last school year teaching
  • The Silent Boy, not exactly a well-known book, but I thought it was good. I think I read it in eighth grade? Was historical fiction too, I believe, based off late 1800s to early 1900s? I remember reading somewhere that the book was based off a box of pictures the author found in an attic at her grandmothers place or such? She just wrote a story based off the pictures, and I thought that was fuckin awesome. Jacob, the silent boy, is very obviously autistic, or at least he is to me, that could just be me relating to a character i see myself in, idk. I'm not even gonna attempt to summarize this one in the slightest, especially after so long. You should just read it.
  • Holes by Louis Sachar. I know its a childrens book, but i liked it a lot for some reason, okay? I read it in eighth grade and i liked it. idk. fuck you, i can like childrens books, they can be good.
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